Get Hands on Experience
This 2-day Clinical Skills Workshop is designed to provide the learner with the hands-on experience to confidently begin caring for this specialized patient population. This training will engage learning in simulated evidence collection, pelvic examination, speculum insertion, use of clinical adjuncts, and the experience providing simulated medical forensic exams, from start to finish.
This workshop provides this learning experience with the use of LIVE simulated patients who will engage the learner in the examination process as well as provide technique feedback.
This workshop will count towards Texas OAG Certificate obtainment through the completion of some, if not all the speculum exams and two (2) simulated medical forensic exams.
Attendees are required to attend both days of this workshop and complete the required follow-up evaluation forms once the workshop is complete prior to obtaining their CNE certificate. This workshop will provide 16 CNE through the International Association of Forensic Nurses.