At The Forensic Center of Excellence a diverse and inclusive workplace is one where all employees, whatever their race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, age, education or disability feels valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of The Forensic Center of Excellence’s departments, programs and worksites in compliance with The Forensic Center of Excellence’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.
We are committed to a workplace that embraces the contributions of all employees and that is fair and respectful to all. We welcome differences and ensure that all voices are valued and heard.

The Forensic Center of Excellence abides by the following principles to promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace:
- We lead with respect and tolerance. All employees are expected to embrace this notion and to express it in workplace interactions and through everyday practices.
- We see diversity and inclusion as connected to our mission and critical to ensure the wellbeing of our staff and communities we serve.
- We acknowledge that a diverse workforce enables us to reach communities and families with greater impact.
- We recognize that systemic privilege and oppression exist in our society and are committed to advancing equity in the workplace.
- We are committed to advocating for change in society by challenging systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity.
- We utilize advocacy and policy platforms to bring awareness of systemic injustice.
- We create and implement programs using our awareness of cultural differences and treat all clients with respect. We seek engagement and input from the board members in our corporate family, employees, members, funders, and other stakeholders to ensure that our programs are aligned with mission, impactful, and inclusive.
- Our commitment to inclusiveness is evident in our organizational policies and procedures, as part of our strategic plan, and within our organizational core values.
- We share our commitment to inclusion as a core value and practice with current and potential funders and donors and encourage our contributing to consider and embrace these fundamentals of our organization.
These guiding principles are consistent with our organizational culture and core values. We are committed to continual assessment and lasting structural change that supports a diverse and inclusive workplace, empowered staff and families and healthy communities.